Results day and clearing applicants

If Leeds is your firm choice

If you applied by 1 July deadline and chose us as your firm option we will begin to allocate your accommodation after your offer with the University becomes unconditional, usually on results day.

You don't need to contact us if you have already applied for accommodation with us. It may be a few weeks before you receive your accommodation confirmation so don't worry if you don't hear from us straight away.

If you have applied for accommodation after the 1 July deadline it can take time for us to identify if we have availability, so please be patient. You will hear from us, but this may be the week before you are due to arrive in September.

You can find out more information on our application FAQs

If Leeds was your insurance choice

If you originally chose us as your insurance option but we are now your firm choice you will be guaranteed accommodation should you apply by 31 August.

Clearing applicants

If you have accepted a place at Leeds through Clearing, you can apply online using our accommodation portal the day after your offer status has been updated on UCAS. If you can’t do this immediately, don’t worry; just try again the next day. 

At present, we have rooms available for clearing students, and if you apply promptly, we are confident that we will be able to offer you accommodation. You will hear from us no later than 10 September with information about the options that we can offer. 

For further information, please phone the Accommodation Office on +44 (0)370 120 0189 or +44 (0)113 343 7777, or you can email