Private accommodation

Private accommodation

There's a wide range of private accommodation on offer in Leeds. Unipol and Leeds University Union can give you advice and help with your house search.


Unipol is a registered charity that works closely with the University to help students and staff find suitable accommodation. We strongly recommend you start your house-hunting search with them.

Unipol own and manage their own properties, as well as advertising for other owners in Leeds. You can find available properties, advice and support on the Unipol website, along with the Unipol House Hunting checklist. They organise house hunting events throughout the year, where you can meet other students looking for accommodation and to help get you started with house hunting. They also have student-to-student message boards, where you can tell people what you are looking for, and read adverts from people wanting to fill a vacancy. 

Unipol run a Code of Standards scheme for their landlords to join. We recommend you choose a landlord who has signed up to the Code, as this gives you extra protection if a dispute occurs. In such cases Unipol can mediate between tenants and landlords. 

Working with students and landlords, Unipol has developed a model tenancy agreement to help you understand the different types of agreement and what they involve.

Leeds University Union

There is lots of great housing advice on the LUU website, including how to check the standard of the accommodation, whether your landlord is reputable, plus deposit information and tenants' satisfaction rates with local landlords. 

The Student Advice Centre in the Students' Union provides a full independent housing advice service. They can help you with house hunting, contract checking and also advise you on legal matters. 

Fraud and scams

Protect yourself from fraud and scams when you are looking for private accommodation. We recommend you use Unipol and LUU Student Advice to help you to have a good experience of finding private accommodation.